Sunday, June 24, 2007

USA TODAY/Gallup Poll results -

USA TODAY/Gallup Poll results -
Ein kanning har spurt verður m.a. um skapan, úrreiving og religiøsar fatanir hjá einum amerikonskum president kandidati.
Is this REALLY proof that man can see into the future? the Daily Mail
Do some of us avoid tragedy by foreseeing it? Some scientists nowbelieve that the brain really CAN predict events before they happen

Deepak Chopra skrivar um sama evnið í seks pørtum í The Huffington Post
The Mind Outside the Body (Part 1)

Hygg eisini:
Scientific American: Should Science Speak to Faith?: "The need to believe in a divine intelligence without direct evidence is, for better or worse, a fundamental component of many people’s psyches" eins og tað er ein varandi partur av menniskjans natúru at vísa romantiskan kærleika, sjálvt um vit vita nógv um okkara kognitivu evni, sum kanska kundu tikið grundarlagið undan hesum.

Hetta sjónarmið førir Lawrence M. Krauss, teoretiskur fysikari, fram í eini samrøðu við Richard Dawkins, har teir tosa um, hvør háttur er skilabest at nýta í møtinum millum vísindi og trúgv. challenge: creationism:
"Creationists believe that everything in the universe was created absolutely by a deity, and that evolution is hocus pocus, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Please portray this conflict using God's own image-manipulation software."

Ein síða við tekningum, ið vísa konfliktina millum skapan og úrreiving. Onkur er stuttlig og aðrar álvarligar:

Breaking the Spell of Religion

"“Religion is a powerful force in the world. Now more than ever. We need to study it scientifically so that we can anticipate its changes”."

Soleiðis sigur amerikanski filosoffurin Daniel Dennett, í hesari samrøðuni á Reset DOC

Tome truths
Eru sannleikarnir í teimum umleið seks bókunum, sum í seinastuni eru útgivnar "søtur tónleikur" ella eru tær militantisk álop á religion? Bretski filosoffurin, AC Grayling, sigur at "The hard truths spoken about it in these books and the public debate surrounding them are as genies freed from the bottle: they cannot be put back.

Sutt viðmerking frá AC Grayling